Saturday, January 23, 2016

2016 Academy Award Nominations

Well everyone it is that time of year again the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have nominated the films as well as music artists, directors, actors, and producers of  films that left the biggest impact culturally and influentially on the cinema goers in the year of 2015. 


What does this exactly mean?

Do not expect the AMPAS to pick actors, films, writers, and etc., unless they believe that everyone should take notice of this film to be able to learn from and apply the techniques used to make your own film better. AMPAS does not want us to accept mediocrity from mainstream Hollywood. AMPAS wants us to look at films as an art.

If that means the film you loved or actor's performance you like is not selected, then maybe there is a reason. Maybe the voters want you to take notice to an upcomer actor who you should start paying attention to. Maybe there was something so special in an unknown film to the general public everybody needs to see this film.

There are plenty of great films that may have gone by unnoticed unless AMPAS nominated the film for an award. Sling Blade is one of those films that comes to my mind. Sling Blade is a film that I would never of seen, unless the film was nominated in some category and making Billy Bob Thornton into a household name.

We all know the popular films and actors in those films, so sometimes something out of the unknown is always good. If your looking for the popularity contest awards then the Golden Globes is your awards show for films.

Harrison Ford in Star Wars Force Awakens

The complaints

Every year I hear complaints from people and these are the usual complaints.

1. Fanboys/Fangirls of certain actors and actresses demanding the actor be nominated for everything that the actor is in who cannot look at the performance of the actor in the film.

Example 1: Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Sure I like the character Hans Solo and the actor Harrison Ford, but how was Ford's performance in the movie. To myself Ford was wooden and did nothing to really get him outside of his zone of comfort.

Example 2: Samuel L. Jackson in The Hateful 8. Jackson gave a powerful performance in that film, but did Jackson do enough to act outside what we came to expect from him? No he played himself. I believe Jackson wins the moment he plays a character atypical from his normal persona.

My answer: The Academy is not about pleasing you. The Academy is about introducing you to a new world and nominating actors who went outside of their wheelhouse. 

2. AMPAS is not going outside of its way to nominate films, actors, and more from minorities.

Do not get me started here in the past the voters have more than gone out of their way to make sure people of minorities or films about minorities won even if they did not deserve to win. The moves looked so bad that even the average person called them out for these moves.

Example 1: In 2002 Halle Berry, Denzel Washington, and Sidney Poitier won all the big categories for actors that year. Denzel played a role atypical to his usual role so not unexpected. Poitier paved the way for many actors of minorities the lifetime achievement award made sense. Berry's performance is the one that made everyone question. Anyone who had seen Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge! as Satine felt Kidman had this award in  the bag.

Example 2: In 2014, AMPAS picked 12 Years a Slave as the best motion picture of the year to be politically correct and to avoid scrutiny. I am not saying 12 Years a Slave is not a great film, but the film was up against Gravity hands down the best true science fiction movie made in years. Year after year AMPAS has shown they have a distinct hatred towards science fiction and animated films when it comes to Best Motion Picture of the year.

My answer: Is yes you may have a point, but to be politically correct AMPAS has more than gone out of its way to make sure people other minorities have been nominated, won, and other films or actors that deserved a win get passed over.

There are many other complaints I could cover, but even one book would not be enough.

The Nominees for the 88th Academy Awards are and my predictions:

The Revenant


For Best picture

The Revenant
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Big Short
Bridge of Spies
The Martian

My prediction
Off all the films nominated The Revenant would be the easy pick. The Revenant has it all beautiful cinematography in which you could watch the film just for the scenery. Powerhouse performances from Hardy and DiCaprio. To be politically correct a minority for a director. However, Spotlight has a story and the docudrama feel that these voters seem to love and is the dark horse in this competition.

My guess is The Revenant will win, but there is a 20 percent chance of Spotlight winning. Either way both are good films and worthy of seeing.

The Snubs
To me Inside/Out and Straight Outta Compton are the biggest snubs in this category. Inside/Out is an animated film and most likely the reason why left out of this category, but the film grabbed my heart and felt like something fresh and new. Straight Outta Compton the big biopic had it all, but maybe AMPAS hates Rap or left out from being to politically correct from before.

Actor in a leading role
Leonardo DiCaprio (The Revenant)
Matt Damon (The Martian)
Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs)
Bryan Cranston (Trumbo)
Eddie Redmayne (The Danish Girl)

My Prediction
This is the hardest category for me to pick from because the award is down to either DiCaprio or Redmayne. Redmayne pulled off a performance of a lifetime and seems to be the new Daniel Day Lewis or Meryl Streep if he plays a role he is going to be nominated. DiCaprio on the other hand has been nominated plenty of times, but never won. I am going with DiCaprio because I believe they are going to give him this award for his years of service in film, but don't be surprised if Redmayne wins. The dark horse in this bunch is Cranston playing Trumbo.

No performance comes to mind that I saw this year from a leading actor fits this category. Maybe Samuel L. Jackson, but he needs to play someone other than Samuel L. Jackson.

Lily Tomlin in Grandma

Actress in a leading role
Brie Larson (Room)
Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn)
Cate Blanchett (Carol)
Jennifer Lawrence (Joy)
Charlotte Rampling (45 Years)

My prediction
To be honest this is the category I can't pick because I have never seen these films. So I am going with Jennifer Lawrence since the Globes picked her and Charlotte Rampling as the dark horse because she is the best actress of the bunch in my opinion.

To be honest this reward belongs to Lily Tomlin for her performance in Grandma. Lily carries that film on her back and forces everyone around her to elevate their performance. Maybe AMPAS was uncomfortable because the film dealt with abortion and lesbianism. I also think with the number of nominations Mad Max got to not see Charlize Theron nominated is kind of weird.  

George Miller

Best director
Alejandro Iñárritu (The Revenant)
George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Tom McCarthy (Spotlight)
Adam McKay (The Big Short)
Lenny Abrahamson (Room)

My prediction
There is no competition Alejandro Iñárrituis the clear winner. The Revenant is a perfect example of film from start to finish you could watch multiple times for multiple reasons and still feel fresh. I could watch the film for the scenery itself one day, the action the next day, and the acting itself the following day. There is no dark horse in this competition.

As far as I cam concerned there are no snubs for this category
Jennifer Jason Leigh

Actress in a supporting role
Rooney Mara (Carol)
Jennifer Jason Leigh (The Hateful Eight)
Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl)
Kate Winslet (Steve Jobs)
Rachel McAdams (Spotlight)

My prediction
I am going to go for a long shot here, but Jennifer Jason Leigh just pulled off a career resurrecting performance. To be honest, I saw a side to Jennifer I never knew she had to her before. So Jennifer Jason Leigh for the win.

An honorable mention should go to Olivia Cooke for her performance in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. My only guess why she was not nominated is because she plays a dying person on the television show Bates Motel. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is definitely worth a rental. 

Stallone as Rocky Balboa in Creed

Actor in a supporting role
Sylvester Stallone (Creed)
Mark Rylance (Bridge of Spies)
Mark Ruffalo (Spotlight)
Christian Bale (The Big Short)
Tom Hardy (The Revenant)

My Prediction
Like it or not there is no competition for best supporting actor. Stallone is going to win this one hands down whether or not he deserves this award. Stallone is receiving this reward as a lifetime achievement gift for what he has done for the industry. Stallone is a perfect example of a model for actors to follow, if you can't get a role write one for yourself and refuse to give in. Stallone's career was a million to one shot, but he has proven write yourself roles and buy roles that suit your personality and you will be successful. Stallone was years ahead of his time, but Tom Cruise and Adam Sandler are people who followed his model.

OShea Jackson Jr should have been nominated for his performance in Straight Outta Compton. My guess the reason of him not being nominated maybe the Academy felt playing his father Ice Cube did not take much.
Son of Saul

Best foreign language film
Son of Saul
A War
Embrace of the Serpent

My Prediction
No prediction for this category. I have not seen any of these films, but this is why I love AMPAS I now have five films on my list to watch.

Inside Out

Best animated feature film
Inside Out
When Marnie Was There
Boy and the World
Shaun the Sheep Movie

My Prediction
Inside Out hands down is the winner. Every so many years an animated movie is made that should win best picture, but the Academy refuses to give the big prize to that film. That is why this category was created so films like The Lion King and Wall-E that deserved best picture can walk away with a consolation prize. The sad truth to this category.
Ennio Morricone

Best original score
The Hateful Eight
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Bridge of Spies

My Prediction
Ennio Morricone for The Hateful Eight. Ennio has never won an Academy Award before for a film in which he scored. Morricone is a legend in the industry and I just can't see AMPAS not giving him the award. Sorry John Williams fans, but Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just not original enough to get the award not to mention Williams already has one of these trophies.

Best adapted screenplay
The Big Short
The Martian

My Prediction
AMPAS hates sci-fi films in my opinion when it comes to the highest honor, but this is one honor not too uncommon for a sci-fi film to win so I am going with The Martian.

Best original screenplay
Bridge of Spies
Ex Machina
Straight Outta Compton
Inside Out

My Prediction
Straight Outta Compton wins this category as AMPAS tries to remain politically correct. Don't get me wrong Compton is a great and should of been nominated for Best Picture, but trying to figure out AMPAS's thinking is enough to give anyone a migraine. Don't be surprised if Spotlight wins.

And now to the lesser categories

Best film editing
The Revenant
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Big Short
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My prediction 
Mad Max: Fury Road the film was nominated for ten Academy Awards and this is where a film like Fury Road wins every time.

Best cinematography
The Revenant
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Hateful Eight

My Prediction
The Revenant the competition is not even close.

Youth with Michael Caine. I highly urge everyone to watch this film the cinematography is simply breathtaking worth the price of the ticket alone.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Best production design
Mad Max: Fury Road
Bridge of Spies
The Martian
The Danish Girl
The Revenant

My Prediction
Mad Max: Fury Road will win, but The Danish Girl probably deserves it.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Best visual effects
Mad Max: Fury Road
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The Revenant
The Martian
Ex Machina

My Prediction
Mad Max: Fury Road a visual thrill fest of a film

Best original song
“Simple Song” (Youth)
“Manta Ray” (Racing Extinction)
“Writing’s on the Wall” (Spectre)
“Til it Happens to You” (The Hunting Ground)
“Earned It” (Fifty Shades of Grey)

My Prediction
Writing's in the Wall
Body Team 12

Best documentary short subject
Body Team 12
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness
Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah
Chau, Beyond the Lines
Lasy Day of Freedom

No Prediction for this category


Best documentary feature
What Happened, Miss Simone?
The Look of Silence
Cartel Land
Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom

My Prediction

Best costume design
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Danish Girl
The Revenant

My Prediction
The Danish Girl, but Carol is the dark horse in this category

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Best sound mixing
The Revenant
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
Bridge of Spies

My Prediction
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Star Wars has to win category to keep the masses quiet

Best live action short film
Ave Maria
Day One
Everything Will Be Okay

No Prediction
Sanjay's Super Team

Best animated short film
Sanjay’s Super Team
Bear Story
World of Tomorrow
We Can’t Live Without Cosmos

My Prediction
Sanjay's Super Team
Immortan Joe in Mad Max: Fury Road

Best makeup and hairstyling
Mad Max: Fury Road
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared
The Revenant

My Prediction
Mad Max: Fury Road

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Best sound editing
The Revenant
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My Prediction
Star Wars: The Force Awakens 

The Big Winners

 Every year there has to be some big winners and big losers once the awards have been announced. The big winners this year are going to be Mad Max: Fury Road and The Revenant both taking home 4 Oscars by my predictions. The Revenant will in the bigger categories, while Mad Max wins in a bunch of technical categories.

The Big Losers

Well if my predictions are right then we are going to have a 3 way tie for first place as the films nominated for the most categories, but fell to take home a prize. Carol, Bridge of Spies, and Spotlight have all been nominated for 6 awards and could easily walk away with nothing. I believe Carol and Spotlight are the dark horse candidates in a few categories so there is a decent chance they will get an award and not get the title of Biggest Loser, but there is also a good chance at 7 nominations The Martian walks away with nothing as well.

Come back after the awards as I evaluate how my predictions did and give some more insight.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lola rennt (1998) aka Run Lola Run

Writer: Tom Tykwer
Director: Tom Tykwer
Stars:  Franka Potente and Moritz Bleibtreu
Original Theatrical Film Poster for Lola Rennt
A lot of people know I have a love to watch, study, and investigate film more than anyone else they know. I get asked a lot of questions like can you suggest a film that I have never seen, but should have seen. The problem with such an open ended question to a person like myself is I am not afraid to experiment with film and watch the unknown. The average person would look at me as if there was something wrong with me on the films I am willing to watch. I am not afraid to sit down and watch an independent film, a foreign film with 4 hours of subtitles, or even a really controversial film that would make the average person really uncomfortable. 

I would most likely recommend a film to you that at least fits one of those categories if not more.If I suggested a foreign film to you, then I am most likely going to get some strange looks or comments. The most likely comments are "It is a chore to watch a film and read subtitles" or "Reading subtitles is like working, why do I want to work on my free time". Most of these people have never seen or a foreign film with subtitles or if they have probably picked a film that was not what they expected and the dialogue was heavy. 
Beauty and the Beast 1946 directed by Jean Cocteau

To be honest if I told you to rent the Seven Samurai and watch that film, then I may have just ruined your whole experience with foreign films if you have not been properly introduced to them. My goal when trying to get a friend or colleague addicted to a foreign film, is to pick a film that will keep the person begging for more and open a whole new world to them. In order to do that the first foreign film must see should hit on these factors.

1. A world similar enough in culture to the U.S. that a person should feel as if they could live within that film world

2. The dialogue should be kept to a minimum that a person can focus on the film mostly and gradually work themselves up in dialogue content as they see more foreign films

3. The ideal film should be good enough that if the subtitles were not there you could tell the entire story through the images that were shot and the emotion of the actors.

Very films meet this criteria in the film world, but when a film does everyone should see the film.
Manni calling Lola in fear of his life

The Plot:

Lola receives a call from her boyfriend, Manni, who is in fear for his life. Manni just lost 100,000 dollars that he accidentally left on the subway after being startled by the police. When Manni came back, the money was gone and taken by the homeless man who lived on the train. Manni blames Lola, because Lola was suppose to pick Manni up from the drug buyer and take Manni back to his boss Ronnie. The problem is Lola's moped got stolen and Manni's world is now falling apart right before his eyes.

Manni now has 20 minutes before his meeting with Ronnie. If Manni cannot come up with the money in that amount of time then Manni is dead. Lola begs Manni to wait and let her come up with a to find the money before Manni does something stupid. Lola runs out of her with a plan to get her father to give her the money running to his bank. Any person Lola touches or passes along the way we get a glimpse into that person's future. A person may end up a crack addict, dead behind the wheel, or killed by a gang all of Lola's actions while she is running has an effect on everyone else in the world.

Lola's dad refuses to give her the money and admits he is going to leave Lola and her mom, before having Lola thrown out of the bank. In an emotional distress, Lola rounds the corner just as the twenty minutes are up, but Lola is too late Manni decides to rob a store for the money before Lola can stop him. Lola has no choice, but to knockout the guard now and help her boyfriend try to escape. Unfortunately, Lola is shot by the police and dies. 

All is not as it appears though, Lola wakes up in a dream like state in bed with her boyfriend discussing their love for each other. All of a sudden she is on the receiving end of the same call as before from Manni remembering everything from the first run.
Lola has to strategize a new way to get the money so the events from the first run do not occur again. However, there are some changes to some of the people she runs by as she touches or looks at each person differently. One person is now filthy rich and another is the mistress of one of her coworkers. Same problem as before this run ends with the death of Manni. Lola has to keep doing this run over and over until everything can be set right in which both Manni and herself can live.

Initial Reactions to the Film: 

I have never seen this film, until I watched the film for this review. The film has always been on my must see list, but with a lot of other films to watch sometimes great films get missed. As I watched the film, the settings, the plot, and who this film was going to be about was setup quick. The 20 minute runs felt as if they were taking place in real time. The suspense was so high, that I could not leave my seat until this film.

The idea of a simple action such as whether Lola was to bump into someone during one run, but miss that same person on the next run to determine whether or not that person lives in the high life in one timeline, but is a poor homeless crack addict in the next timeline is simply thought provoking. How can such a simple action have a devastating impact on a person's life? Every second counts in life. That is simply the magic of director Tom Tykwer was able to put across on the screen.

Tykwer put Lola through similar runs over and over again to where you could careless about the dialogue on the screen and simply focus on the sequences shot. To be quite frank, I didn't even need the dialogue to understand what was happening in Lola Rennt. The beautifully shot sequences spoke for themselves.

The film was so good I had to go back the next night and watch the film for a second time because the film was so intense that I felt one viewing was not enough. I wanted to see Franka Potente run over and over again to see if their was any subtle things going on in the background I might have missed. 

My only real complaint about the film all have to do with Lola's pants something about them was driving me crazy the entire film. I hated those pants so much that they were nearly as bad as Julia Roberts' lips. Roberts' lips are so ugly to me that I cannot focus on anything else in the film, but her lips to where I miss important sequences. As I always say every film has at least one thing that bothers you in it.

Final Thoughts on the Film:

After a second viewing of Lola Rennt, I was able to catch some of the minor details I missed in the first viewing. More thought provoking questions came to mind. How many times did Lola have to run before she could set things right? Are we talking years, months, days, or just the runs shown? Would I want to experience what Lola did over and over? Would be nice to win the Powerball. 

I have not seen a film in years that left me wanting to discuss the implications of simple actions in life. Lola Rennt would of left me speechless if I had seen this film when the film originally came out. The music, the suspense, and action just left me wanting more and more. Lola Rennt is the perfect film at 81 minutes, all films do not need to over 3 hours long to be masterpieces like all film companies want you to believe. In fact the length can sometimes kill a film.

Unlike Lola Rennt, to where I could pull the film out at anytime and show the film to almost anyone. The culture is similar enough to where the average person could walk in and understand what is going on in the film no matter where they lived in the world.  The dialogue is kept to a minimum, to where the scenes can tell the story of the film without dialogue. Lola Rennt is the perfect gateway film to introduce a person to foreign films. the film is good enough to get anyone addicted to independent and foreign films in my book.

Despite the ugly pants this film gets a 10 out of 10. Replacing Groundhog Day as my favorite DejaVu film. Films do not get much better than Lola Rennt. Lola Rennt will take you through one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dad's Army (1971)

Writers: Jimmy Perry and David Croft
Director: Norman Cohen
Stars: Arthur Lowe, John Le Mesurier, Clive Dunn, John Laurie, James Beck, and Arnold Ridley
Dad's Army (2016) British Quad Poster
If you live in the United States and have been searching for a film to watch, with some of your favorite actors, you may have came across a poster or a trailer for this film above, Dad's Army, and not even realized that this movie is a remake of a popular television series from the 1960's you probably never heard of called Dad's Army.

Keep calm and whatever you do don't panic, because I am here to fill you in on what is considered by many British critics one of the ten greatest sitcoms of all time. If you don't believe me then check out this article from the Telegraph that came out in November of 2015, . In that article Dad's Army was considered to be as great as Seinfeld, Simpson, The Office, and my favorite British comedy Porridge.

The premise to Dad's Army is very simple, all the British men who could fight in World War II are gone on the home front. If an invasion was to happen, then the British citizens were at risk of losing their country to Nazi Germany. Somebody had to come up with an answer to protect the British citizens. The answer was the Home Guard – comprising 1.5 million local volunteers otherwise ineligible for military service. Their sole goal was to provide enough time for the main military to regroup and arrive in case of an invasion happened. These men were either too young to join the services, were in reserved occupations, physical disabilities, or were too old to join the services - hence the nickname "Dad's Army".

World War II picture of the Home Guard
What could go wrong in a unit assembled of the unwanted men? Bad leadership, not enough supplies, or insufficient training if the real threat came. On paper the idea sounded great, but was the British public ready for a show like this?

One thing was clear the writers had to show respect to the Home Guard without making them look terrible and the other thing was clear the right cast had to be put together because if the cast did not get along like a unit the show would fail.

Jimmy Perry and David Croft did just that. World War II veterans and members of the Home Guard in England were finally able to sit down with their children and grandchildren and watch an entertaining show about their experiences in World War II. The show brought respect and made heroes out of men for their involvement in the Home Guard. The show was so popular at its peak that an average of 18 million viewer were watching the show weekly in England.

In the 1970's, the on way to tell how popular a television was in England was to be made into a movie with the cast from the television show. Most of these movies were to be honest terrible, but there are a few gems out of the bunch and maybe just maybe Dad's Army from 1971 is just one of those gems.
Official Original British Quad Theatrical Release Poster

The Plot:

Operation Dynamo had just finished with an overwhelming success for Nazi Germany, in June of 1940. British troops were forced to withdraw the harbor and beaches of Dunkirk, France. Now the only thing protecting England from an immediate German invasion is the English Channel. A Nazi Colonel pulls out his binoculars to survey the cliffs of Dover. What the colonel sees is too shocking for his own eyes, the colonel wipes his binoculars to make sure what was seen was true.
Private Godfrey

The colonel sees Private Godfrey, an old man in uniform, leave the lavatory to run back to his squad. The colonel laughs realizing England will be easier to take over than originally anticipated. The opening credits roll and the usual Dad's Army song plays.

Now the main movie begins as George Mainwaring, a bank manager, is making his way to work. Along Mainwaring's way to work, you finally get to see what on a large scale the fictional resort Wilmington-On-Sea and how the people of the town interacted with each other before the threat of invasion. What is different about today though a stranger enters the bank no one has ever seen before.

The stranger wants his check cashed, but without an account or reliable identification Mainwaring refuses to cash the check for this stranger. The stranger, who we will later find out to be Major General Fullard, gets into a verbal fight with Mainwaring and storms out of the bank in disbelief.

Mainwaring, however does not have much time to focus on the events that just happened. The town people are all being told to turn on the radio for an emergency announcement. Anthony Eden, future Prime Minister of England, begs every man in England to join the Local Defence Volunteers. Anyone interested joining can sign up at the local police station.

Captain George Mainwaring
 The problem is when over 50 men show up to sign up at the same time the police are unable to handle the situation. Mainwaring, a former officer who served in World War I, seizes the opportunity to take control and has every man who wants to join follow him and sign up.

Mainwaring puts his assistant manager of the bank, Arthur Wilson, second in command. Jack Jones, the local butcher, becomes third in command after bribing Mainwaring and Wilson with a regular supply of sausages. The rest of the men fall underneath him and make the Home Guard of Wilmington-On-Sea including Private Joe Walker, a con man who could pass for Clark Gable if he wanted to.

Still from the 1971 film
The rest of the film spends about a third of the time focusing Mainwaring whipping his men into shape, training with little to no supplies, developing alternative weapons, and the follies of his efforts. Mainwaring is so focused on the training of his men, that Mainwaring believes he can win the upcoming games at battle school. Battle school is where all divisions of the Home Guard meet up and compete for honors. Unbeknownst to Mainwaring though is the man in charge of the battle school is Major General Fullard. Fullard despises Mainwaring and still has a grudge against Mainwaring for the bank incident.

One embarrassing incident after another happens to Mainwaring's men while at this school. Fullard believes the problem starts up at the top with Mainwaring's platoon and is going to recommend for Mainwaring's dismissal. In utter disappointment, Mainwaring and his men make their way back home to Wilmington-On-Sea resort. If Mainwaring is going to keep his job, a miracle will need to happen.

Luckily for Mainwaring a miracle just might happen. A Nazi SS German spy plane crashes just outside of Wilmington-On-Sea. The crew of the plane make their way inside of a church and take everyone inside of the church hostage. Mainwaring's crew is the first to arrive on scene, but are told to get lost once Major General Fullard arrives. Fullard sends for the Navy, the Navy sends for the police, and etc. wasting time to decide on how to save the hostages.

Mainwaring and his men knows the insides and outsides of this town like no others. Mainwaring decides to disobey Fullard's orders and take on the spys himself with his soldiers. In a climactic showdown, the Home Guard saves the day and Mainwaring makes a full out of Fullard.

Initial reactions to the film:

As a huge fan of the original Dad's Army television series there was no way I was going to miss a chance to see my favorite group of misfits on the big screen. A large budget with fantastically filmed sequences in full color, most of the episodes up to that point were shot in black and white. Arthur Lowe, Captain Mainwaring, gave possibly the best performance of his career in this film. Lowe's performance makes you feel as if you were in the middle of the action suffering with him. By far the best sequence of this film was the climactic showdown in the church. This is where the director Norman Cohen deserves credit because Cohen knew how much drama to mix with comedy in this film at certain times.

Now for the problems with the movie. If you have seen every episode of the first three seasons then you might just say the only original sequences to the film is the showdown at the church. I will be the first person to admit the movie seemed source mostly from the following Dad's Army episodes The Man and the Hour, Battle School, The Lion Has Phones, and The Armored Might of Lance Corporal Jones. The only other big issue was the television show was filmed in front of an audience who would laugh at the jokes. The film at times seems much darker as a result of the absence of a laugh track. While usually I am not a fan of laugh tracks, in the case of Dad's Army, the laugh track helps lighten the mood on a very dark matter. At times I felt the film got too dark for its own good. The recent biopic Were Doomed: The Dad's Army Story also pointed to the fact if the show was not kept lighthearted enough the public would of hated Dad's Army.

Final Thoughts on the film:

Despite the negatives I listed, I really love this movie. The main cast from the television series really gel well together. The truth is if I had never of seen the television series and was just to watch the film by itself, the film really does stand on its own feet. To be honest the movie is the perfect vehicle to introduce a person who has never seen Dad's Army to. The person will see all what they can expect to see in the series in this film and more.

As far as compared to other British TV shows turned into movies with the cast from the television show, most of those films are complete crap with the rare exception of Dad's Army and Porridge. Why does this film still stand up so well today? The film was over ten years ahead of its time. You can see glimpses of the film in Stripes and Police Academy.

Is the film a masterpiece? No, but the film definitely deserves at least one view. If you are a fan of the shows Are You Being Served, It Ain't Half Hot Mum, Allo Allo, or Hi-de-Hi! then this film might interest you as well because the creators of Dad's Army were the creators of those shows as well.

All in all I give the film a solid 7 out of 10. Taking 1 point away for being too dark for my taste at times compared to the television show and taking 2 points away from essentially rewriting four episodes for the big screen. 

Before you watch the Dad's Army 2016 film give the original actors the respect they deserve by watching the original Dad's Army film from 1971.
Since I can't find the trailer for the original film. I will leave you with the trailer for the upcoming film in which I will be at the theater to watch when it comes to my city.